hiking benefits

Hiking Benefits: Top 20 Reasons You Should Hike

hiking benefits
Young lady hiking with poles

Hiking is a great way to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It’s also a great way to enjoy nature, meet new people, and explore new places. If you haven’t tried hiking before, here are some hiking benefits and why you should give it a try.

Hiking is a fun outdoor activity that allows you to experience nature at its finest. There are many types of hikes, ranging from short walks to long treks. Some hikers prefer to go alone while others choose to join groups or clubs.

There are many hiking benefits, such as improving your health, boosting your mood, and increasing your energy levels. Hikers often report feeling refreshed after their hike.

Here Are 20 Hiking Benefits

1. Exercise

According to the American College of Sports Medicine, regular aerobic exercise helps improve cardiovascular function, bone density, muscle strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, and endurance. Exercise is an important part of any healthy lifestyle. One of the best ways to exercise is by hiking. The act of walking or running provides a good workout without having to spend hours in the gym. Walking can be done alone or with friends or family.

When you exercise, your body releases endorphins which make you feel happy. Endorphins are also released when you are in nature which makes you feel even happier. This is one reason why so many people love going for hikes.

2. Improve Your Mood 

One of the main reasons why people like hiking is because they say it improves their mood. When you hike outdoors, you are surrounded by all kinds of beautiful scenery. A lot of times, this scenery will help lift your spirits. From looking out over the mountains to gazing down into the valleys below, there are many different views you can see while hiking. This is one of the hiking benefits that most people don’t realize until they start doing it themselves.

3. Get Outdoors

As mentioned above, hiking is a great way to escape from everyday life and get outside. Many people find that being outside helps them relax. Sometimes, we need to take time out and just sit back and watch the world around us. Hiking gives you this opportunity. As you walk through the forest, you may notice birds singing and trees swaying in the wind. It’s amazing how much nature has to offer.

When you hike, you are not only getting out of the house but you are also getting closer to nature. Being able to look up and see the stars at night is something that very few people ever have the chance to do. Imagine what it would be like if you could wake up every morning and head off to the woods to hike? That would be pretty awesome!

4. Meet New People 

Many people who like hiking tend to become friendly with other hikers. They usually talk about their favorite parts of hiking and share tips and tricks that they use when they hike. In addition to meeting new people, hiking is also a great way to socialize. If you are stuck at home during the day, then you might want to try going for a hike instead.

Meeting new people is always fun and interesting. Not only will you learn more about them but you will also gain new friends. There is nothing better than making lifelong friendships, especially since some of these friendships can last forever.

5. Learn About Yourself 

One of the best hiking benefits is self discovery. When you go hiking, you are forced to think about yourself. What kind of person do you really want to be? How does your personality affect your decisions and actions? Do you prefer to work hard or play hard? These questions are ones that you should ask yourself before you decide where you want to go next. By answering these types of questions, you will begin to understand yourself and what you truly want out of life.

6. Be Active 

If you are thinking about starting to exercise, then you should definitely consider hiking. One of the biggest things that you will benefit from is the fact that hiking is an excellent form of physical activity. While running, swimming, biking, etc., are good forms of exercise, none of them compare to hiking. With hiking, you are constantly moving which means you are burning calories. The average hiker burns between 500-1000 calories per hour.

7. Exercise Your Brain 

Hiking is another great way to exercise your brain. When you hike, you are forced to pay attention to everything around you. Without even realizing it, you are exercising your mind. Just by taking in all the sights and sounds around you, you are using your brain. Hiking benefits your brain because it forces you to focus on so many different things. You are forced to remember things such as trail names, directions, landmarks, etc.

8. Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Another reason why hiking is beneficial is because it gets you out of your comfort zone. When you start hiking, you may feel uncomfortable at first. However, after spending time outdoors, most people end up feeling much happier and relaxed. No matter how comfortable you are with being outside, there’s no doubt that hiking will make you feel more alive.

9. Get Fresh Air

The fresh air is one of the greatest hiking benefits. When you spend time hiking, you are breathing in tons of oxygen. This helps you stay healthy and gives you energy. It also makes you feel refreshed and happy. You get to enjoy the beauty of nature while getting some much needed rest.

10. Find Peace And Solitude

When you go hiking, you get to find peace and solitude. Since you are alone, you have complete control over your thoughts and emotions. Instead of worrying about what people are saying or doing, you can just relax and take in the beautiful scenery. When you are in this type of mindset, you will find that you become calmer and more focused.

11. Boost Bone Density

Another great hiking benefit is boosting bone density. When you hike, it builds muscle mass throughout your body. As a result, your bones become stronger. In addition, when you are active, your muscles produce chemicals called osteocalcin. Osteocalcin encourages bone growth and prevents weak bones. The combination of both of these factors results in strong bones.

12. Become More Confident

If you are looking for ways to improve your confidence, then you should try hiking. Not only will hiking help you build confidence, but it will give you something else too. When you go hiking you are surrounded by nature. This allows you to appreciate the beauty of life and the world around you.

13. Help Control Your Weight

Weight loss has always been a struggle for most people. If you want to lose weight, you need to be committed to making changes in your lifestyle. One of the best ways to do this is through exercise. By exercising regularly, you are able to burn calories and keep yourself motivated. A great way to get started with losing weight would be to hike.

One of the best hiking benefits is helping control your weight. When you hike, the amount of calories that you burn each day is very high. This means that you lose weight faster than if you were sitting inside eating junk food all day long. By hiking regularly, you will be able to keep yourself healthier and fit.

14. Gain Strength

Another great hiking benefit comes from gaining strength. When you hike, your muscles are constantly working. This keeps them toned and tight. As a result, you gain strength. If you want to look like an athlete, then you need to workout often. One way to do this is by going hiking.

15. Learn To Be Comfortable With Being Alone

Being alone isn’t fun for everyone. For some people, they prefer to hang out with friends or family. While others prefer to be alone. If this sounds familiar, then you should consider trying hiking. Going hiking will allow you to learn how to deal with being alone. When you go hiking, you will be able meet new people who share similar interests as you.

16. Improved Blood Pressure And Blood Sugar Levels

Another way hiking benefits your health is improving blood pressure and blood sugar levels. These two things are essential if you want to stay healthy. When you hike, you increase your heart rate, which increases your circulation and helps lower your blood pressure. It also improves your metabolism so that your body burns fat instead of storing it. As a result, it helps regulate your blood pressure and blood sugar level.

17. Improve Your Memory

Hiking can also help improve your memory. This happens because when you hike, you have to focus on what you are doing. As a result, this makes your brain work harder. When your brain works harder, it becomes more alert. This causes your mind to

18. Strengthen your core and Improve balance

When you hike, you strengthen your core. This occurs because when you hike, your entire body needs to work together. As a result, the muscles in your back, legs, arms, and abdomen are used in unison. This strengthens your core and improves your balance. Hiking benefits your overall fitness and gives you a better sense of balance.

19. Combat Depression

According to (WHO), approximately 280 million people in the world have depression. This is why it is important to combat this disease. One way to do so is by taking part in physical activities such as hiking. When you hike, it forces you to think about something else other than your problems. As a result, your mind becomes clear and focused. This allows you to overcome depression.

20. Improve Sleep Quality

If you suffer from insomnia, then you know how difficult sleeping can be. The good news is that hiking benefits sleep quality. Sleeping well is one of the most important factors for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. When you hike, this forces your mind to relax while your body rests. As a result, when you wake up, you feel refreshed and ready to take on the day.


The above-mentioned list of top hiking benefits shows that hiking has many advantages. However, there are certain risks associated with hiking. Therefore, before you decide to start hiking, make sure that you have all the necessary information. Make sure that you are fully prepared before starting any type of outdoor activity.

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